12.07.2023 21:46:15: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:55:43: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
12.07.2023 21:25:02: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:26:18: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:28:17: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:44:33: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:19:53: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
12.07.2023 21:19:55: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
12.07.2023 21:20:18: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 21:20:30: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
12.07.2023 19:37:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
12.07.2023 19:37:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
12.07.2023 18:49:04: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
12.07.2023 18:49:29: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
12.07.2023 01:56:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Afrodit'
12.07.2023 01:56:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x21C5 "Afrodit" to '10015'
11.07.2023 20:33:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch nakla'
11.07.2023 20:34:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x43009 "NaklaElmaa" to '5000'
11.07.2023 20:07:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Shr'
11.07.2023 20:08:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Sha'
11.07.2023 20:08:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x2656 "Shavronne" to '3000'
11.07.2023 17:30:27: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.07.2023 17:30:39: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.07.2023 16:59:44: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
11.07.2023 16:59:44: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
11.07.2023 16:59:45: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
11.07.2023 14:15:55: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Meri'
11.07.2023 14:16:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
11.07.2023 14:16:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Plag'
11.07.2023 14:30:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Mina'
11.07.2023 14:31:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x645F "MinaMaJikina" to '3000'
10.07.2023 18:52:43: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
10.07.2023 18:52:43: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
10.07.2023 18:52:45: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
10.07.2023 13:42:44: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
10.07.2023 13:42:44: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
10.07.2023 13:42:46: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
10.07.2023 13:42:53: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
10.07.2023 13:42:58: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
10.07.2023 01:06:02: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.07.2023 00:28:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set hue 1150'
10.07.2023 00:28:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40032109 (Bag) to '1150'
10.07.2023 00:28:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'rare '
10.07.2023 00:35:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'bringtopack '
10.07.2023 00:36:30: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
10.07.2023 00:18:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Kopru'
10.07.2023 00:18:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.07.2023 00:18:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.07.2023 00:19:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Luck Pot %100 ve Seçilebilir Roller ödüllü Altar savaşı 1 dakika sonra köprüde başlıyor.'
10.07.2023 00:19:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gc 1161'
10.07.2023 00:19:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack LuckPotion set Chance 100'
10.07.2023 00:19:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1367, 1749, 7) in Felucca: "LuckPotion" "set" "Chance" "100"
10.07.2023 00:19:47: Serials: 0x40056B2D;
10.07.2023 00:19:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack RunicTablet Set Roller True Changeable True'
10.07.2023 00:20:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1367, 1749, 7) in Felucca: "RunicTablet" "Set" "Roller" "True" "Changeable" "True"
10.07.2023 00:20:01: Serials: 0x40056B48;
10.07.2023 00:20:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.07.2023 00:20:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Gift' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '0x407B6917 "EvTasi"'
10.07.2023 00:20:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'GiftName' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to 'Luck Potion & Roller'
10.07.2023 00:20:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Gift' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '0x40032109 "Bag"'
10.07.2023 00:20:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
10.07.2023 00:21:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to (1321, 1752, 10)
10.07.2023 00:21:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik Britain Kalesi ile Britain Atçı arasında başladı! 10 dakika sürecek.'
10.07.2023 00:23:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'ekle '
10.07.2023 00:23:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
10.07.2023 00:23:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4065AD74 (Granite)
10.07.2023 00:23:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.07.2023 00:23:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'speedboost '
9.07.2023 23:02:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'global interface where Bag Hue = 1161 Map = Internal'
9.07.2023 23:03:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
9.07.2023 23:12:06: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
9.07.2023 23:13:23: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
9.07.2023 23:13:25: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
9.07.2023 22:44:10: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
9.07.2023 22:45:07: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
9.07.2023 22:46:24: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
9.07.2023 22:47:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Matr'
9.07.2023 22:51:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Plag'
9.07.2023 22:52:29: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
9.07.2023 22:53:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch dond'
9.07.2023 22:53:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch pay'
9.07.2023 22:54:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Pyth'
9.07.2023 22:54:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
9.07.2023 22:54:10: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
9.07.2023 22:56:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set name "DONCUKCU-"'
9.07.2023 22:56:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0xC56A "Pyth'ackhe " to 'DONCUKCU-'
9.07.2023 22:56:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
9.07.2023 22:56:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Plag'
9.07.2023 22:56:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'veriler parahesapla'
9.07.2023 22:57:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'global interface where PolarBearMaskUnique Map = Internal'
9.07.2023 23:02:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Kopru'
9.07.2023 23:02:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
9.07.2023 22:21:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
9.07.2023 22:37:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
9.07.2023 22:40:27: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go britain'
9.07.2023 22:40:54: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
9.07.2023 20:42:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
9.07.2023 20:43:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
9.07.2023 20:43:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x407CB0C9 (SponsorRobe)
9.07.2023 20:43:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase token 750'
9.07.2023 20:44:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
9.07.2023 20:45:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get token'
9.07.2023 20:53:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
9.07.2023 20:53:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Phy'
9.07.2023 20:53:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch ph'
9.07.2023 20:56:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Tomr'
9.07.2023 20:57:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x561D "Tomris Katun" to '3250'