18.07.2023 00:22:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'serialbul 0x4004109'
17.07.2023 23:55:10: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go luna'
17.07.2023 23:55:11: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 23:55:28: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
17.07.2023 23:55:36: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
17.07.2023 23:55:39: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 22:47:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
17.07.2023 22:26:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'veriler parahesapla'
17.07.2023 22:27:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
17.07.2023 22:28:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
17.07.2023 22:28:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go kopru'
17.07.2023 22:28:36: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
17.07.2023 22:39:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 22:39:55: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
17.07.2023 22:39:56: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
17.07.2023 22:45:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 21:32:35: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 21:32:40: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 21:33:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'serialbul 0x40854D82'
17.07.2023 21:33:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'serialbul 0x40854D82'
17.07.2023 20:56:56: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
17.07.2023 20:56:57: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 20:57:04: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 20:57:27: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 18:35:41: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 18:35:42: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
17.07.2023 18:35:57: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
17.07.2023 16:33:10: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 16:33:13: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 16:33:16: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
17.07.2023 16:17:49: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 16:18:24: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 16:18:28: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go '
17.07.2023 16:18:43: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go trammel'
17.07.2023 16:18:43: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go '
17.07.2023 16:18:48: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go Ilshenar'
17.07.2023 16:18:48: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go '
17.07.2023 16:18:55: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 16:06:56: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 16:06:58: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
17.07.2023 16:06:58: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 16:07:01: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 16:07:04: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
17.07.2023 15:18:57: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 14:33:53: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 14:34:41: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'props '
17.07.2023 14:35:41: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go umbra'
17.07.2023 14:35:43: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go luna'
17.07.2023 14:23:20: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 13:39:46: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
17.07.2023 13:39:46: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
17.07.2023 13:39:50: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
17.07.2023 13:39:54: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 13:40:49: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 13:41:27: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
17.07.2023 00:13:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinliğin tamamlanmasına 1 dakika kaldı.'
17.07.2023 00:14:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'bringtopack '
16.07.2023 23:43:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
16.07.2023 23:48:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Kopru'
16.07.2023 23:48:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
16.07.2023 23:55:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'speedboost '
16.07.2023 23:55:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack Bag'
16.07.2023 23:55:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1338, 1757, 18) in Felucca: "Bag"
16.07.2023 23:55:48: Serials: 0x40882512;
16.07.2023 23:55:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack UniqueDeed'
16.07.2023 23:56:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1338, 1757, 18) in Felucca: "UniqueDeed"
16.07.2023 23:56:01: Serials: 0x40882565;
16.07.2023 23:56:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack LuckPotion Set Chance 100'
16.07.2023 23:56:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1338, 1757, 18) in Felucca: "LuckPotion" "Set" "Chance" "100"
16.07.2023 23:56:18: Serials: 0x40882617;
16.07.2023 23:56:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Addtopack runictablet set roller true changeable true'
16.07.2023 23:56:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1338, 1757, 18) in Felucca: "runictablet" "set" "roller" "true" "changeable" "true"
16.07.2023 23:56:33: Serials: 0x408826B9;
16.07.2023 23:56:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
16.07.2023 23:56:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Gift' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '0x407B6917 "EvTasi"'
16.07.2023 23:56:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm 5 dakika sonra Unique Deed, Luck Pot & Roller ödüllü Altar Savaşı düzenlenecektir.'
16.07.2023 23:57:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik bitiminde ayrılmayın.'
16.07.2023 23:57:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Gift' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '0x40882512 "Bag"'
16.07.2023 23:57:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'TimeLimit' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '15'
16.07.2023 23:57:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'GiftName' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to 'Unique Deed, Luck Pot & Roller'
16.07.2023 23:57:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik 15 dakika sürecektir.'
16.07.2023 23:57:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm 15 dakika boyunca Altarın etrafında en fazla duran ve en çok oyuncu öldüren puan kazanır'
16.07.2023 23:58:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Kazanan guildin lideri tüm hediyeleri alacaktır.'
16.07.2023 23:58:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Altar kale ile atçı arasına konulacaktır'
16.07.2023 23:58:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
16.07.2023 23:58:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
16.07.2023 23:58:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
16.07.2023 23:58:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to (1321, 1752, 10)
16.07.2023 23:58:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik 2 dakika sonra başlayacaktır.'
17.07.2023 00:00:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Unique Deed & Luck Pot ödüllü etkinlik Britain Kalesi ile Britain Atçı arasında başlamıştır.'
16.07.2023 23:29:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Sharira'
16.07.2023 23:29:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x54C1 "Sharira" to '2000'
16.07.2023 23:16:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'serialbul 0x40BC2F3D'
16.07.2023 23:16:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'serialgetir 0x40BC2F3D'
16.07.2023 22:58:06: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'kufurlist '
16.07.2023 22:58:37: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'kufurlist '
16.07.2023 21:59:28: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
16.07.2023 21:59:31: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '