11.09.2023 22:16:31: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
11.09.2023 21:31:02: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
11.09.2023 21:41:22: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'gezinti '
11.09.2023 21:44:37: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'speedboost '
11.09.2023 21:44:49: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 21:46:26: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'go luna'
11.09.2023 21:46:36: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 21:46:43: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'who '
11.09.2023 21:46:51: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" going to 0xCEA "Jane Lee", Location (501, 371, -1), Map Malas
11.09.2023 21:46:57: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 21:47:43: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'go britain'
11.09.2023 21:48:38: Counselor 0xFB3A "Eucalus Ashthorn" used command 'gezinti '
11.09.2023 20:43:34: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.09.2023 20:45:17: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.09.2023 20:46:40: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.09.2023 20:47:11: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
11.09.2023 20:04:05: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 19:01:39: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
11.09.2023 17:43:55: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
11.09.2023 17:43:55: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
11.09.2023 16:22:27: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'speedboost '
11.09.2023 16:22:28: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go jail'
11.09.2023 16:22:30: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 16:22:47: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
11.09.2023 16:22:54: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'kufurlist '
11.09.2023 16:23:01: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'pages '
11.09.2023 16:23:02: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
11.09.2023 16:23:09: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'who '
11.09.2023 16:23:52: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go luna'
11.09.2023 16:23:57: Counselor 0x32413 "Beth" used command 'go britain'
11.09.2023 00:23:57: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.09.2023 23:52:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'bringtopack '
10.09.2023 23:57:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
10.09.2023 23:58:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:58:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:59:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:59:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:59:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
11.09.2023 00:04:26: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
10.09.2023 23:31:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Trammel'
10.09.2023 23:31:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Altar Savaşı yeri değişti. Etkinlik Trammel'da en fazla 5 oyuncu katılımı ile yapılacaktır.'
10.09.2023 23:31:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Trammel'a geçiş için Moongate-Geçiş Kapısını kullanabilirsiniz'
10.09.2023 23:31:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Moonglow'
10.09.2023 23:32:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'map' of 0x2 "Venus" to 'Trammel'
10.09.2023 23:32:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self set map Trammel'
10.09.2023 23:32:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:32:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
10.09.2023 23:32:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to (4453, 1166, 0)
10.09.2023 23:32:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
10.09.2023 23:32:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to (4454, 1166, 0)
10.09.2023 23:32:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go '
10.09.2023 23:32:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Luna'
10.09.2023 23:33:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:33:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:33:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:33:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Geçiş Kapısı -> Savaş Meydanı tıklayarak savaş alanına gelebilirsiniz.'
10.09.2023 23:33:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm etkinlik 2 dakika sonra başlayacaktır.'
10.09.2023 23:34:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.09.2023 23:34:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Set name Altarr'
10.09.2023 23:34:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to 'Altarr'
10.09.2023 23:34:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Set name Altar'
10.09.2023 23:34:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to 'Altar'
10.09.2023 23:35:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Altar Savaşı Trammel'da yapılacaktır. Burası 5 oyuncu limitlidir (guild başına).'
10.09.2023 23:35:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Diğerleri - Savaş Meydanı bölümünden giriş yapabilirsiniz.'
10.09.2023 23:35:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik başlıyor!'
10.09.2023 23:36:22: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
10.09.2023 23:36:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Öldürdüğünüz oyuncular ve taşın etrafında durduğunuz süre boyunca puan alıyorsunuz.'
10.09.2023 23:37:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Altar, Trammel-Moonglow'da bankanın yanındadır.'
10.09.2023 23:38:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'trammel '
10.09.2023 23:39:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm POD guildi ve --- guildi Altar için savaşıyor! NE guildini bekliyoruz. Savaş Meydanına gelin.'
10.09.2023 23:41:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Nerve Entrapment guildi üyelerine, son 10 dakika. Gelin ve savaşa katılın. Geçiş kapısı -> Savaş'
10.09.2023 23:10:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gc 1161'
10.09.2023 23:11:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Nerve Entrapment [NE] guildi Britain Kalesi önünde sizi bekliyor.'
10.09.2023 23:12:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Omega Returns [---] klanı bu savaşta biz de varız diyor. Ortalık fena karışacak, vaziyet alın.'
10.09.2023 23:14:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Bir POD gördüm sanki! Bone Magi kalenin önünden NE üyelerine göz kırpıyor.'
10.09.2023 23:17:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm 23.30'da günün ara etkinliği Altar Savaşı-Unique Deed yapılacaktır. Kale Savaşı ile aynı yerde!'
10.09.2023 23:17:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Ekibini al ve köprüye gel.'
10.09.2023 23:19:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack UniqueDeed'
10.09.2023 23:19:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack UniqueDeed'
10.09.2023 23:19:53: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1362, 1755, 13) in Felucca: "UniqueDeed"
10.09.2023 23:19:53: Serials: 0x400289FB;
10.09.2023 23:19:55: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.09.2023 23:20:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.09.2023 23:20:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Changeable' of 0x400841A9 (RunicTablet) to 'True'
10.09.2023 23:20:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack LuckPotion Set Chance 100'
10.09.2023 23:20:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1362, 1755, 13) in Felucca: "LuckPotion" "Set" "Chance" "100"
10.09.2023 23:20:44: Serials: 0x40028E94;
10.09.2023 23:20:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.09.2023 23:20:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Gift' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to '0x4002AC3F "Bag"'
10.09.2023 23:21:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'GiftName' of 0x407B6917 (EvTasi) to 'Unique Deed'
10.09.2023 23:24:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Birazdan yapılacak altar savaşında Unique Deed ödül olarak verilecektir.'
10.09.2023 23:24:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Arkadaşlarınızı oyuna çağırmayı unutmayın.'
10.09.2023 23:25:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
10.09.2023 23:27:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Sosaria'da NE guildine karşı koyabilecek kimse kalmadı mı? Ödülleri onlar mı alacak?'
10.09.2023 23:27:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'guildprops '
10.09.2023 23:29:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'trammel '
10.09.2023 23:30:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
10.09.2023 22:55:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
10.09.2023 22:59:36: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
10.09.2023 22:59:36: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
10.09.2023 23:01:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go britain'
10.09.2023 23:01:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 23:08:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
10.09.2023 22:28:21: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
10.09.2023 22:28:21: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
10.09.2023 22:28:26: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.09.2023 22:28:41: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'cv Baslat 6'
10.09.2023 22:28:45: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'zindan '
10.09.2023 22:29:00: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.09.2023 22:29:00: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.09.2023 22:29:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
10.09.2023 22:45:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Kopru'
10.09.2023 22:45:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 22:45:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindan '
10.09.2023 22:45:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Honor'
10.09.2023 22:45:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'speedboost '
10.09.2023 22:11:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go "Mushroom Cave"'
10.09.2023 22:11:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 22:11:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
10.09.2023 22:17:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gc 1161'
10.09.2023 22:18:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go "Mushroom Cave"'
10.09.2023 22:18:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
10.09.2023 22:18:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
10.09.2023 22:19:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gc 1161'
10.09.2023 22:19:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
10.09.2023 22:19:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Level' of 0x4002643B (ChampionSpawn) to '15'
10.09.2023 21:27:05: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
10.09.2023 20:39:21: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
10.09.2023 20:39:21: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
10.09.2023 20:39:25: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
10.09.2023 20:54:01: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
10.09.2023 18:51:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'hediye '
10.09.2023 18:52:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
9.09.2023 21:30:03: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
9.09.2023 21:03:06: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
9.09.2023 20:26:01: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '