Staff Logları Kategorisi - Sayfa 76 - Dark Venue
Staff Logları

15.09.2023 23:35:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'kufurlist '
15.09.2023 23:37:29: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '
15.09.2023 23:37:33: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" set property 'bodyvalue' of 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" to '400'
15.09.2023 23:37:33: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'self set bodyvalue 400'
15.09.2023 23:37:50: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" set property 'bodyvalue' of 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" to '801'
15.09.2023 23:37:50: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'self set bodyvalue 801'
15.09.2023 23:37:52: Administrator 0x1102 "Mars [Bot]" used command 'death '

15.09.2023 23:06:30: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 23:06:30: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 23:06:30: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
15.09.2023 23:06:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'zindanlimit 2'
15.09.2023 23:08:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Luna'
15.09.2023 23:14:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 23:14:24: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

15.09.2023 22:36:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'sponsor '
15.09.2023 22:40:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go 1500 875'
15.09.2023 22:40:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
15.09.2023 22:41:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
15.09.2023 22:41:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'save '
15.09.2023 22:41:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dbgetir '
15.09.2023 22:41:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dbharita '
15.09.2023 22:41:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add PublicMoongate'
15.09.2023 22:41:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (1765, 862, -25) in Ilshenar: "PublicMoongate"
15.09.2023 22:41:35: Serials: 0x405FBD9D;
15.09.2023 22:41:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
15.09.2023 22:41:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'

15.09.2023 22:10:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 22:10:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
15.09.2023 22:21:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'siradaki '
15.09.2023 22:22:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go "Mushroom Cave"'
15.09.2023 22:22:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
15.09.2023 22:22:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
15.09.2023 22:22:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'

15.09.2023 18:14:26: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

15.09.2023 18:10:06: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'hediye '

15.09.2023 16:59:37: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 16:59:37: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
15.09.2023 16:59:42: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

15.09.2023 15:22:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
15.09.2023 15:26:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get ItemID'
15.09.2023 15:27:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
15.09.2023 15:28:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Get Hue'
15.09.2023 15:30:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
15.09.2023 15:38:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add sword'
15.09.2023 15:38:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5274, 1163, 0) in Felucca: "HolySword"
15.09.2023 15:38:18: Serials: 0x4057CE2D;
15.09.2023 15:38:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
15.09.2023 15:38:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4057CE2D (HolySword)
15.09.2023 15:38:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5274, 1163, 0) in Felucca: "NordicVikingSword"
15.09.2023 15:38:32: Serials: 0x4057CE62;
15.09.2023 15:38:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
15.09.2023 15:38:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4057CE62 (NordicVikingSword)

15.09.2023 15:17:10: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go jail'
15.09.2023 15:17:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add FurBoots'
15.09.2023 15:17:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5274, 1165, 0) in Felucca: "FurBoots"
15.09.2023 15:17:31: Serials: 0x40577E5A;
15.09.2023 15:17:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add boots'
15.09.2023 15:17:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5275, 1165, 0) in Felucca: "boots"
15.09.2023 15:17:40: Serials: 0x40577E98;
15.09.2023 15:17:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Add ThighBoots'
15.09.2023 15:17:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5276, 1165, 0) in Felucca: "ThighBoots"
15.09.2023 15:17:51: Serials: 0x40577FAD;
15.09.2023 15:18:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add NinjaTabi'
15.09.2023 15:18:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5277, 1165, 0) in Felucca: "NinjaTabi"
15.09.2023 15:18:08: Serials: 0x40578021;
15.09.2023 15:18:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'area set movable false'
15.09.2023 15:18:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to 'False'
15.09.2023 15:18:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577E98 (Boots) to 'False'
15.09.2023 15:18:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577FAD (ThighBoots) to 'False'
15.09.2023 15:18:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40578021 (NinjaTabi) to 'False'
15.09.2023 15:18:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1108'
15.09.2023 15:18:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40578021 (NinjaTabi) to '1108'
15.09.2023 15:18:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2150'
15.09.2023 15:18:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577FAD (ThighBoots) to '2150'
15.09.2023 15:18:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2130'
15.09.2023 15:18:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577FAD (ThighBoots) to '2130'
15.09.2023 15:18:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2230'
15.09.2023 15:18:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E98 (Boots) to '2230'
15.09.2023 15:18:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2215'
15.09.2023 15:18:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E98 (Boots) to '2215'
15.09.2023 15:18:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2355'
15.09.2023 15:18:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '2355'
15.09.2023 15:18:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 2305'
15.09.2023 15:19:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '2305'
15.09.2023 15:19:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack vbag'
15.09.2023 15:19:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack bag'
15.09.2023 15:19:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5275, 1163, 0) in Felucca: "bag"
15.09.2023 15:19:33: Serials: 0x40578621;
15.09.2023 15:19:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'area set movable true'
15.09.2023 15:19:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to 'True'
15.09.2023 15:19:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577E98 (Boots) to 'True'
15.09.2023 15:19:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40577FAD (ThighBoots) to 'True'
15.09.2023 15:19:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'movable' of 0x40578021 (NinjaTabi) to 'True'
15.09.2023 15:20:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set hue 2400'
15.09.2023 15:20:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '2400'
15.09.2023 15:20:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm increase hue 1'
15.09.2023 15:20:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set hue 1262'
15.09.2023 15:20:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1262'
15.09.2023 15:20:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set hue 1264'
15.09.2023 15:20:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1264'
15.09.2023 15:20:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set hue 2125'
15.09.2023 15:20:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '2125'
15.09.2023 15:20:53: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm increase hue 1'
15.09.2023 15:21:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm increase hue 10'
15.09.2023 15:21:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 968'
15.09.2023 15:21:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '968'
15.09.2023 15:21:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1060'
15.09.2023 15:21:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1060'
15.09.2023 15:21:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1105'
15.09.2023 15:21:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1105'
15.09.2023 15:21:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1158'
15.09.2023 15:21:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1158'
15.09.2023 15:21:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1159'
15.09.2023 15:22:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1159'
15.09.2023 15:22:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1157'
15.09.2023 15:22:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40577E5A (FurBoots) to '1157'
15.09.2023 15:22:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
15.09.2023 15:22:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get Hue'

15.09.2023 13:58:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch X'es'
15.09.2023 13:59:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get kills'
15.09.2023 13:59:10: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set kills 100'
15.09.2023 13:59:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'kills' of 0x113D1 "X'es" to '100'
15.09.2023 14:04:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x113D1 "X'es" to '10035'

15.09.2023 00:49:13: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

15.09.2023 00:05:08: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
15.09.2023 00:05:08: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

14.09.2023 22:17:45: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
14.09.2023 22:17:45: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

14.09.2023 21:36:09: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
14.09.2023 21:36:09: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
14.09.2023 21:36:10: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
14.09.2023 21:38:22: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:38:22: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:38:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:38:23: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:38:24: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:38:25: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gmhide '
14.09.2023 21:39:31: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
14.09.2023 21:54:59: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

14.09.2023 18:38:33: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
14.09.2023 18:38:50: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
14.09.2023 18:38:50: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

14.09.2023 00:50:17: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
14.09.2023 00:50:17: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

13.09.2023 23:17:56: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
13.09.2023 23:18:54: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
13.09.2023 23:21:31: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'

13.09.2023 22:55:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack KraliceKupesi'
13.09.2023 22:55:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5275, 1163, 0) in Felucca: "KraliceKupesi"
13.09.2023 22:55:50: Serials: 0x403D14E3;
13.09.2023 22:55:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
13.09.2023 22:56:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Owner' of 0x403D14E3 (KraliceKupesi) to '0xD52 "Dul Pakize"'
13.09.2023 23:07:13: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'

13.09.2023 22:49:21: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

13.09.2023 21:53:57: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
13.09.2023 21:53:57: Administrator 0x9BE "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

Toplam 252 sayfa, 76. sayfadasın: Önceki, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, Sonraki
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