Staff Logları Kategorisi - Sayfa 42 - Dark Venue
Staff Logları

23.10.2023 23:11:17: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:13:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm 5 vs 5 PVP Turnuvasına katılan oyuncular etkinlik alanına alınıyor.'
23.10.2023 23:13:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinliğe katılanlar lütfen güvenli bir alanda etkinlik alanına çekilmeyi beklesinler.'
23.10.2023 23:13:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:13:53: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:14:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:14:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:14:56: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:15:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:15:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:15:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:15:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Self unhide'
23.10.2023 23:15:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:15:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self unhide'
23.10.2023 23:15:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'unhide '
23.10.2023 23:15:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x28609 "Martha Mathers"
23.10.2023 23:16:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:16:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'hide '
23.10.2023 23:16:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" hiding 0x28609 "Martha Mathers"
23.10.2023 23:16:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:16:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x28609 "Martha Mathers" to (5905, 926, 0)
23.10.2023 23:16:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:17:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:17:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:17:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik'
23.10.2023 23:17:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Etkinlik başlıyor. İzlemek için discord #genel kanalında Conqueror'un yayınına bakabilirsiniz'
23.10.2023 23:17:55: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:18:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:19:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:19:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:20:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" hiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:20:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self hide'
23.10.2023 23:20:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:20:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 23:20:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 23:20:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'GuildAbbr' of 0x4044B16C (TrammelTeleporter) to 'A-D'
23.10.2023 23:20:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 23:20:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'GuildAbbr' of 0x4044B13B (TrammelTeleporter) to '---'
23.10.2023 23:20:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:20:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:20:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:21:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:22:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:22:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:22:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4044C059 (Teleporter) to (5951, 447, 22)
23.10.2023 23:22:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:22:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set visible true'
23.10.2023 23:22:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'visible' of 0x4044C6EA (Static) to 'True'
23.10.2023 23:22:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Ölen oyuncular tam orta noktada olan geçiş kapısını kullanarak alana dönebilirler.'
23.10.2023 23:22:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:22:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:22:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Self unhide'
23.10.2023 23:25:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" hiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:25:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self hide'
23.10.2023 23:25:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:25:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E2785 (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E2785 (Static) creating 0x40653161 (Static)
23.10.2023 23:25:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E27FC (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E27FC (Static) creating 0x40653169 (Static)
23.10.2023 23:25:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E2911 (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E2911 (Static) creating 0x4065325E (Static)
23.10.2023 23:25:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E2912 (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E2912 (Static) creating 0x40653270 (Static)
23.10.2023 23:25:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E2915 (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:29: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E2915 (Static) creating 0x4065328A (Static)
23.10.2023 23:25:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E5378 (PotionKeg) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E5378 (PotionKeg) creating 0x406532AF (PotionKeg)
23.10.2023 23:25:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E531B (PotionKeg) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E531B (PotionKeg) creating 0x406532BB (PotionKeg)
23.10.2023 23:25:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E527B (PotionKeg) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E527B (PotionKeg) creating 0x406532CE (PotionKeg)
23.10.2023 23:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E5175 (PotionKeg) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E5175 (PotionKeg) creating 0x406532DB (PotionKeg)
23.10.2023 23:25:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 23:25:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x414E5222 (PotionKeg) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 23:25:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x414E5222 (PotionKeg) creating 0x406532E0 (PotionKeg)
23.10.2023 23:25:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:25:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:25:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:25:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:25:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:25:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4065328A (Static) to (5910, 907, 0)
23.10.2023 23:25:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x40653270 (Static) to (5909, 907, 0)
23.10.2023 23:26:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4065325E (Static) to (5908, 907, 0)
23.10.2023 23:26:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x40653169 (Static) to (5907, 907, 0)
23.10.2023 23:26:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x40653161 (Static) to (5906, 907, 0)
23.10.2023 23:26:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x406532CE (PotionKeg) to (5910, 907, 6)
23.10.2023 23:26:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x406532E0 (PotionKeg) to (5909, 907, 6)
23.10.2023 23:26:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x406532AF (PotionKeg) to (5907, 907, 6)
23.10.2023 23:26:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x406532BB (PotionKeg) to (5908, 907, 6)
23.10.2023 23:26:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:26:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x406532DB (PotionKeg) to (5906, 907, 6)
23.10.2023 23:26:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:26:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm addtopack Bottle 30'
23.10.2023 23:26:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5904, 914, 0) in Felucca: "Bottle" "30"
23.10.2023 23:26:42: Serials: 0x406540C2;
23.10.2023 23:26:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5904, 914, 0) in Felucca: "Bottle" "30"
23.10.2023 23:26:43: Serials: 0x406540E0;
23.10.2023 23:26:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5904, 914, 0) in Felucca: "Bottle" "30"
23.10.2023 23:26:44: Serials: 0x406541FB;
23.10.2023 23:26:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5904, 914, 0) in Felucca: "Bottle" "30"
23.10.2023 23:26:47: Serials: 0x40654219;
23.10.2023 23:26:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5904, 914, 0) in Felucca: "Bottle" "30"
23.10.2023 23:26:48: Serials: 0x4065425C;
23.10.2023 23:26:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:26:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:26:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self unhide'
23.10.2023 23:27:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'res '
23.10.2023 23:27:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" resurrecting 0x6467C "a horse" (no account)
23.10.2023 23:27:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 23:27:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40682B44 (MetalDoor)
23.10.2023 23:27:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40682BF0 (MetalDoor)
23.10.2023 23:27:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" hiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:27:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self hide'
23.10.2023 23:28:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:28:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:28:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:28:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:28:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4044C059 (Teleporter) to (5954, 434, 0)
23.10.2023 23:28:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:28:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Set visible false'
23.10.2023 23:28:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'visible' of 0x4044C6EA (Static) to 'False'
23.10.2023 23:28:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:28:44: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:29:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4044C059 (Teleporter) to (5938, 450, 11)
23.10.2023 23:29:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:29:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0xC5C4 "ALy Partigan" to (5914, 913, 0)
23.10.2023 23:29:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:29:18: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x2196A "Dvyne Quillan-" to (5916, 916, 0)
23.10.2023 23:29:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 23:29:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:29:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:30:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:30:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:30:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Set visible true'
23.10.2023 23:30:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'visible' of 0x4044C6EA (Static) to 'True'
23.10.2023 23:30:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:30:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4044C059 (Teleporter) to (5951, 447, 22)
23.10.2023 23:30:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Ölenler ve pes edenler ortadaki geçişi kullanabilirler'
23.10.2023 23:30:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" unhiding 0x2 "Venus"
23.10.2023 23:30:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'self unhide'
23.10.2023 23:31:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'addtopack UniqueDeed'
23.10.2023 23:31:08: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5906, 916, 0) in Felucca: "UniqueDeed"
23.10.2023 23:31:08: Serials: 0x406581E5;
23.10.2023 23:31:09: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 23:31:12: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 23:31:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x403F2BEC (PublicMoongate) to (5907, 915, 0)
23.10.2023 23:31:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'ArtType' of 0x406581E5 (UniqueDeed) to 'Major'

23.10.2023 22:51:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Etkinlikler'
23.10.2023 22:51:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:51:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'where '
23.10.2023 22:51:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set name 5907 914'
23.10.2023 22:51:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x4058E6A3 (RecallRune) to '5907'
23.10.2023 22:51:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set name 5907-914'
23.10.2023 22:51:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x4058E6A3 (RecallRune) to '5907-914'
23.10.2023 22:51:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:51:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:51:55: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:04: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:52:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:52:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4044C059 (Teleporter) to (5931, 449, 0)
23.10.2023 22:52:14: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get ItemID'
23.10.2023 22:52:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add static 578'
23.10.2023 22:52:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5959, 443, 21) in Trammel: "static" "578"
23.10.2023 22:52:34: Serials: 0x4063BC94;
23.10.2023 22:52:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add static 578'
23.10.2023 22:52:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5959, 444, 21) in Trammel: "static" "578"
23.10.2023 22:52:36: Serials: 0x4063BCA5;
23.10.2023 22:52:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase z 1'
23.10.2023 22:52:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase z 1'
23.10.2023 22:52:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:52:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add static 578'
23.10.2023 22:52:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5943, 451, 21) in Trammel: "static" "578"
23.10.2023 22:52:48: Serials: 0x4063BDD4;
23.10.2023 22:52:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add static 578'
23.10.2023 22:52:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5943, 452, 21) in Trammel: "static" "578"
23.10.2023 22:52:50: Serials: 0x4063BDEF;
23.10.2023 22:52:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase z 1'
23.10.2023 22:52:54: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase z 1'
23.10.2023 22:53:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:01:56: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:02:09: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:02:51: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:05:11: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:05:23: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 23:07:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gc 1161'
23.10.2023 23:07:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Değerli oyuncular, 5 vs 5 PVP Turnuvası düzenlenecektir.'
23.10.2023 23:07:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'gm Katılmak isteyen oyuncular 5 kişilik isim listelerini page yoluyla bize iletebilirler.'

23.10.2023 22:28:10: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'dupe '
23.10.2023 22:28:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duping 0x403DEB40 (Static) (inBag=False; amount=1)
23.10.2023 22:28:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" duped 0x403DEB40 (Static) creating 0x4062FF2F (Static)
23.10.2023 22:28:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:28:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x4062FF2F (Static) to (5901, 906, 0)
23.10.2023 22:28:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Get ItemID'
23.10.2023 22:28:42: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'tile static 1313'
23.10.2023 22:28:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building from (5902, 895, 0) to (5907, 906, 0) in Felucca: "static" "1313"
23.10.2023 22:28:46: Serials: 0x4063062E; 0x4063062F; 0x40630630; 0x40630631; 0x40630632; 0x40630633; 0x40630634; 0x40630635; 0x40630636; 0x40630637; 0x40630638; 0x40630639; 0x4063063A; 0x4063063B; 0x4063063C; 0x4063063D; 0x4063063E; 0x4063063F; 0x40630640; 0x40630641; 0x40630642; 0x40630643; 0x40630644; 0x40630645; 0x40630646; 0x40630647; 0x40630648; 0x40630649; 0x4063064A; 0x4063064B; 0x4063064C; 0x4063064D; 0x4063064E; 0x4063064F; 0x40630650; 0x40630651; 0x40630652; 0x40630653; 0x40630654; 0x40630655; 0x40630656; 0x40630657; 0x40630658; 0x40630659; 0x4063065A; 0x4063065B; 0x4063065C; 0x4063065D; 0x4063065E; 0x4063065F; 0x40630660; 0x40630661; 0x40630662; 0x40630663; 0x40630664; 0x40630665; 0x40630666; 0x40630667; 0x40630668; 0x40630669; 0x4063066A; 0x4063066B; 0x4063066C; 0x4063066D; 0x4063066E; 0x4063066F; 0x40630670; 0x40630671; 0x40630672; 0x40630673; 0x40630674; 0x40630675;
23.10.2023 22:29:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:29:05: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40630729 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:29:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'adddoor '
23.10.2023 22:29:43: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Add MetalDoor SouthCW'
23.10.2023 22:29:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5901, 904, 0) in Felucca: "MetalDoor" "SouthCW"
23.10.2023 22:29:45: Serials: 0x40630B9D;
23.10.2023 22:29:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Add MetalDoor SouthCW'
23.10.2023 22:29:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5901, 898, 0) in Felucca: "MetalDoor" "SouthCW"
23.10.2023 22:29:47: Serials: 0x40630C79;
23.10.2023 22:29:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Add MetalDoor NorthCCW'
23.10.2023 22:29:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5901, 897, 0) in Felucca: "MetalDoor" "NorthCCW"
23.10.2023 22:29:49: Serials: 0x40630CA6;
23.10.2023 22:29:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Add MetalDoor NorthCCW'
23.10.2023 22:29:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5901, 903, 0) in Felucca: "MetalDoor" "NorthCCW"
23.10.2023 22:29:52: Serials: 0x40630D2F;
23.10.2023 22:29:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'area set locked true'
23.10.2023 22:30:00: Property has been set. (4)
23.10.2023 22:30:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:30:28: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:30:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x403F2BEC (PublicMoongate) to (5909, 908, 0)
23.10.2023 22:30:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:30:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:31:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x403F2BEC (PublicMoongate) to (5907, 915, 0)
23.10.2023 22:31:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
23.10.2023 22:31:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306A4 (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306BB (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306BF (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406308E6 (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406308FC (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x4063095A (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630978 (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:26: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630999 (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630A81 (Static) to '1175'
23.10.2023 22:31:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
23.10.2023 22:31:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get hue'
23.10.2023 22:31:44: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm set hue 1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306B5 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306BC (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:47: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406306C7 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:48: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x406308F2 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630945 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630972 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630994 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630A0D (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:31:53: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'hue' of 0x40630AA9 (Static) to '1108'
23.10.2023 22:35:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:35:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:35:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x403F2BEC (PublicMoongate) to (5906, 926, 0)
23.10.2023 22:35:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:35:41: Owner 0x2 "Venus" moving 0x403F2BEC (PublicMoongate) to (5907, 926, 0)
23.10.2023 22:35:50: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:37:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:37:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4006FFC7 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:37:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4006FFBD (Static)
23.10.2023 22:37:24: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4006FFB3 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:37:27: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'add portc'
23.10.2023 22:37:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5912, 915, 0) in Felucca: "PortcullisEW"
23.10.2023 22:37:31: Serials: 0x40633C9A;
23.10.2023 22:37:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5912, 914, 0) in Felucca: "PortcullisEW"
23.10.2023 22:37:33: Serials: 0x40633CA8;
23.10.2023 22:37:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" building at (5912, 916, 0) in Felucca: "PortcullisEW"
23.10.2023 22:37:34: Serials: 0x40633CAF;
23.10.2023 22:37:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'area set locked true'
23.10.2023 22:37:40: Property has been set. (3)
23.10.2023 22:37:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'link '
23.10.2023 22:37:55: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'link '
23.10.2023 22:38:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'chainlink '
23.10.2023 22:38:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'chainlink '
23.10.2023 22:38:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 22:39:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Owner' of 0x406319D7 (SponsorCloak) to '0x277D0 "Caciki Player"'
23.10.2023 22:40:01: Administrator 0x1102 "Death!" used command 'death '
23.10.2023 22:44:40: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:44:46: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'admin '
23.10.2023 22:44:52: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:46:09: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
23.10.2023 22:46:09: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '

23.10.2023 22:23:51: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Etkinlikler'
23.10.2023 22:23:53: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:07: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:10: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:11: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'exp '
23.10.2023 22:24:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:37: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:39: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:24:57: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:24:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E618 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:24:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E594 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:24:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:24:59: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E619 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:25:00: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E604 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:25:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E57D (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E5FB (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:32: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E60B (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E57A (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E586 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:34: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E5EE (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E577 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:35: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E57B (Static)
23.10.2023 22:25:36: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4062E615 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:26:17: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4003A36F (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 22:26:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4003A378 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4003A350 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:20: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x4003A34C (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40042667 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40042670 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40042688 (Static)
23.10.2023 22:26:23: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 22:26:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '
23.10.2023 22:27:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'move '

23.10.2023 21:48:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch mf ty'
23.10.2023 21:49:56: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'set name "Kanunsuz Armorjin"'
23.10.2023 21:49:58: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x18D52 "Kanunsuz Armorjin Nif'i" to 'Kanunsuz Armorjin'

23.10.2023 21:35:25: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'siradaki '
23.10.2023 21:35:55: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'siradaki '
23.10.2023 21:39:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 21:39:49: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Zaman' of 0x4001AF97 (SehirTasi) to '2/21:45'

23.10.2023 21:04:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'charsearch Serhil'
23.10.2023 21:04:30: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Token' of 0x281B7 "SerhildaX Nif'i" to '2250'
23.10.2023 21:18:36: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 20:36:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 20:36:15: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'Set name "SerhildaX Nif'i"'
23.10.2023 20:36:16: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'name' of 0x281B7 "Joje- Nif'i" to 'SerhildaX Nif'i'
23.10.2023 20:37:19: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'siradaki '
23.10.2023 20:37:31: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Moonglow'
23.10.2023 20:37:33: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 20:37:38: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 20:37:45: Owner 0x2 "Venus" set property 'Zaman' of 0x4001AF97 (SehirTasi) to '1/23:45'

23.10.2023 20:10:01: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'props '
23.10.2023 20:10:02: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm delete'
23.10.2023 20:10:03: Owner 0x2 "Venus" deleting 0x40524B89 (SponsorCloak)
23.10.2023 20:10:06: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'get token'
23.10.2023 20:10:13: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'increase token 500'

23.10.2023 19:01:29: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
23.10.2023 19:07:21: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'go Kopru'
23.10.2023 19:07:22: Owner 0x2 "Venus" used command 'm tele'

23.10.2023 18:30:31: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
23.10.2023 18:31:34: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 18:46:21: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 18:00:17: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'firework '
23.10.2023 18:00:23: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 16:35:34: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 's EROR'
23.10.2023 16:35:58: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'go luna'

23.10.2023 16:18:28: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 15:15:54: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 14:49:19: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'speedboost '
23.10.2023 14:49:19: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'gezinti '
23.10.2023 14:49:20: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '

23.10.2023 13:38:18: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'help '
23.10.2023 13:48:10: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'gezinti '

23.10.2023 13:09:16: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'gezinti '
23.10.2023 13:16:59: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'gezinti '

23.10.2023 12:48:19: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'pages '
23.10.2023 12:48:22: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'kufurlist '
23.10.2023 12:48:35: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'go jail'
23.10.2023 12:55:38: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'gezinti '

23.10.2023 00:53:05: Administrator 0x1102 "Death!" used command 'death '
23.10.2023 00:53:08: Administrator 0x1102 "Death!" used command 'go Kopru'
23.10.2023 00:53:09: Administrator 0x1102 "Death!" used command 'm tele'
23.10.2023 01:01:12: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'sponsor '
23.10.2023 01:03:36: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'makro '
23.10.2023 01:03:49: Administrator 0x110F8 "Conqueror" used command 'pages '
23.10.2023 01:04:34: Counselor 0x1B8B4 "Naturela" used command 'makro '

Toplam 252 sayfa, 42. sayfadasın: Önceki, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, Sonraki
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