Şampiyon Kayıtları Kategorisi - Sayfa 94 - Dark Venue
Şampiyon Kayıtları

1.05.2023 10:21:24 [CHAMP] Barracoon
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] Ka'el Inscribe 105
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] Amaranthe Stealth 105
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] xxxm MagicResist 105
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] Cix Tactics 105
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] Ka'el Stealing 105
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [PS] Amaranthe Swords 110
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [SKULL] xxxm Skull of Greed
1.05.2023 10:22:16 [STONE] Cix Hat Of The Magi (0x40A8CBAF)

1.05.2023 03:46:55 [CHAMP] Barracoon
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Bozuk Fermuar Inscribe 105
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Dankek- EvalInt 105
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Viva la Vida- Anatomy 105
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Bozuk Fermuar Meditation 110
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Dankek- Parry 110
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [PS] Viva la Vida- Macing 110
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [SKULL] Bozuk Fermuar Skull of Greed
1.05.2023 03:49:06 [STONE] Dankek- Serpents Fang (0x40A0C012)

1.05.2023 03:01:53 [CHAMP] Rikktor
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Cicek Hatun Chivalry 110
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Bad Inscribe 110
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Malideth Wrestling 110
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Galatasaray SK Wrestling 115
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Kayral Inscribe 115
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [PS] Dragon Focus 115
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [SKULL] Cicek Hatun Skull of Power
1.05.2023 03:02:07 [STONE] Bad Leggings Of Bane (0x409ECB6D)

1.05.2023 02:33:39 [CHAMP] Barracoon
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Bad Necromancy 105
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Dragon Parry 105
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Vennys Necromancy 105
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Galatasaray SK Focus 105
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Malideth Magery 105
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [PS] Cicek Hatun Inscribe 110
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [SKULL] VV Apostoles VV Skull of Greed
1.05.2023 02:34:01 [STONE] Always n Forever Hat Of The Magi (0x409D7156)

1.05.2023 02:19:38 [CHAMP] Barracoon
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] VV Apostoles VV EvalInt 105
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] Always n Forever Necromancy 105
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] Malideth SpiritSpeak 105
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] Kayral Meditation 105
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] Dragon Wrestling 105
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [PS] Vennys Anatomy 110
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [SKULL] Cicek Hatun Skull of Greed
1.05.2023 02:20:01 [STONE] Obi-Wan Kenobi Blade Of Insanity (0x409C8FAD)

1.05.2023 01:56:36 [CHAMP] Neira
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] Amaranthe Anatomy 110
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] Herne Hunter Tactics 110
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] Vennys MagicResist 110
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] The Watchman Stealing 115
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] VV Apostoles VV Inscribe 115
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [PS] Damla Kyrantny Magery 115
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [SKULL] Bad Skull of Death
1.05.2023 01:56:56 [STONE] Amaranthe Breath Of The Dead (0x409B4222)

1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Kayral MagicResist 110
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Galatasaray SK Fencing 110
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Dragon Macing 110
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Damla Kyrantny Fencing 115
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Bad Meditation 115
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [PS] Vennys Inscribe 115
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [SKULL] Frik Skull of Death
1.05.2023 01:30:03 [STONE] Herne Hunter Ring Of The Elements (0x409930C3)

1.05.2023 01:29:49 [CHAMP] Neira

1.05.2023 01:03:30 [CHAMP] Mephitis
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] Kayral Chivalry 110
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] Arden Swords 115
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] Dragon Tactics 115
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] Galatasaray SK EvalInt 115
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] FURY YikimTeam Magery 115
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [PS] Malideth Stealing 120
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [SKULL] Kayral Skull of Venom
1.05.2023 01:04:31 [STONE] Arden The Dryad Bow (0x40977C6F)

1.05.2023 00:17:13 [CHAMP] Rikktor
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] FURY YikimTeam Magery 110
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] Dragon SpiritSpeak 110
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] Frik EvalInt 110
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] FURY YikimTeam Healing 115
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] Dragon Meditation 115
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [PS] Frik Inscribe 115
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [SKULL] FURY YikimTeam Skull of Power
1.05.2023 00:18:23 [STONE] Dragon Bracelet Of Health (0x40945EAA)

30.04.2023 22:06:15 [CHAMP] Mephitis
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Dua Lipa Meditation 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Malideth Wrestling 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Cazibee Fencing 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Asia Chivalry 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Ancient Wyrm Magery 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] ChristopherNolan Swords 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Mirket Necromancy 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Kehribar Archery 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Leyla Parry 105
30.04.2023 22:06:23 [PS] Afrodit Focus 105

30.04.2023 18:26:32 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] Dark Blue Parry 105
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] Bad Meditation 105
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] VV Apostoles VV Chivalry 105
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] The Watchman Macing 105
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] MaJe Stealth 105
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [PS] Jaog'har Leirdon Magery 110
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [SKULL] Dark Blue Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 18:27:31 [STONE] Bad Hat Of The Magi (0x407DB8D4)

30.04.2023 18:15:44 [CHAMP] Neira
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Nooble'de Blue Inscribe 110
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Hinata Macing 110
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Bad Meditation 110
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Frik Focus 115
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Galatasaray SK Inscribe 115
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [PS] Nooble'de Blue Focus 115
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [SKULL] Hinata Skull of Death
30.04.2023 18:16:04 [STONE] Bad Tunic Of Fire (0x407D195C)

30.04.2023 17:31:01 [CHAMP] Mephitis
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] Nooble'de Blue Stealing 110
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] Galatasaray SK Focus 115
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] FURY YikimTeam Parry 115
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] feriha Swords 115
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] Bad Archery 115
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [PS] Hinata Archery 120
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [SKULL] Ka'el Skull of Venom
30.04.2023 17:31:22 [STONE] Jaog'har Leirdon The Dryad Bow (0x4079E38B)

30.04.2023 17:01:07 [CHAMP] Mephitis
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] Nooble'de Blue Archery 110
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] Bad Inscribe 115
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] feriha Parry 115
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] Galatasaray SK SpiritSpeak 115
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] Hinata Fencing 115
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [PS] FURY YikimTeam Meditation 120
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [SKULL] Obi-Wan Kenobi Skull of Venom
30.04.2023 17:01:36 [STONE] Kayral Ornament Of The Magician (0x4077CB8A)

30.04.2023 16:27:53 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] Ka'el EvalInt 105
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] Hinata Stealing 105
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] Galatasaray SK SpiritSpeak 105
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] Bad SpiritSpeak 110
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] feriha Archery 110
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [PS] xxxm Swords 110
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [SKULL] Ka'el Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 16:28:39 [STONE] Hinata Blade Of Insanity (0x4075F169)

30.04.2023 10:40:28 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] Hurrem Sultan Stealth 105
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] Giles Stealth 105
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] Ka'el MagicResist 105
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] ramiz abi Archery 105
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] Hurrem Sultan Archery 105
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [PS] Giles Swords 110
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [SKULL] Ka'el Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 10:51:50 [STONE] ramiz abi Blade Of Insanity (0x4064DEEA)

30.04.2023 03:52:35 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] Dankek- EvalInt 105
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] Potential Stealth 105
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] Jr ZachoL Stealth 105
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] BLSTR- Dominguez EvalInt 110
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] Dankek- Inscribe 110
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [PS] Potential MagicResist 110
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [SKULL] Jr ZachoL Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 03:53:44 [STONE] BLSTR- Dominguez Hat Of The Magi (0x40595DF0)

30.04.2023 02:15:37 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] feriha Swords 105
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] Naruto Partigan SpiritSpeak 105
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] xxxm SpiritSpeak 105
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] Ninja YikimTeam Macing 110
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] Cix Inscribe 110
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [PS] Bad Healing 110
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [SKULL] feriha Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 02:16:15 [STONE] Naruto Partigan Axe Of The Heavens (0x40567F81)

30.04.2023 00:36:58 [CHAMP] Barracoon
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] feriha Inscribe 105
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] Ka'el Wrestling 105
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] Skeletal Mage SpiritSpeak 105
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] Rita ORA Swords 105
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] feriha Meditation 105
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [PS] Ka'el Fencing 110
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [SKULL] Skeletal Mage Skull of Greed
30.04.2023 00:38:37 [STONE] Rita ORA Axe Of The Heavens (0x4050B6F3)

Toplam 115 sayfa, 94. sayfadasın: Önceki, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, Sonraki
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