Şampiyon Kayıtları Kategorisi - Sayfa 46 - Dark Venue
Şampiyon Kayıtları

5.08.2023 17:14:46 [CHAMP] Barracoon
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Berik Fencing 105
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Fencing 105
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Miyoooo EvalInt 105
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Berik Healing 105
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 105
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [PS] Miyoooo Stealing 110
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [SKULL] Berik Skull of Greed
5.08.2023 17:15:48 [STONE] Sylvanas Windrunner Blade Of Insanity (0x404CDD42)

5.08.2023 02:47:47 [CHAMP] Neira
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] PAYDAY Inscribe 110
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] Achilles Delibas- Tactics 110
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] Afrodit Swords 110
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] PAYDAY Inscribe 115
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] Achilles Delibas- Parry 115
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [PS] Afrodit Archery 115
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [SKULL] PAYDAY Skull of Death
5.08.2023 02:48:21 [STONE] Achilles Delibas- Holy Knights Breastplate (0x4038E961)

5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit Swords 110
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit Anatomy 115
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit SpiritSpeak 115
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit Archery 115
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit Tactics 115
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 120
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
5.08.2023 01:51:58 [STONE] Afrodit Shadow Dancer Leggings (0x403676BD)

5.08.2023 01:50:21 [CHAMP] Mephitis

5.08.2023 01:13:23 [CHAMP] Mephitis
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Magery 110
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Wrestling 115
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 115
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Stealth 115
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Swords 115
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [PS] Afrodit Parry 120
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
5.08.2023 01:15:55 [STONE] Afrodit Legacy Of The Dread Lord (0x40355314)

5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Zeldris Chivalry 110
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Sharira MagicResist 110
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Naruto Partigan Necromancy 110
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Zeldris Swords 115
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Sharira Magery 115
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [PS] Naruto Partigan Healing 115
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [SKULL] Zeldris Skull of Power
5.08.2023 00:05:51 [STONE] Sharira Arcane Shield (0x40344BDD)

5.08.2023 00:05:00 [CHAMP] Rikktor

4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] Angelus Swords 110
4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] Angelus Swords 110
4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] UnreaLL Fencing 105
4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] UnreaLL Fencing 105
4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] PAYDAY SpiritSpeak 105
4.08.2023 22:53:01 [PS] PAYDAY SpiritSpeak 105

4.08.2023 22:11:12 [CHAMP] Rikktor
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Winer Healing 110
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] UnreaLL SpiritSpeak 110
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Beatrix SpiritSpeak 110
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Kristof Kolomb Stealing 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Rohan M'Carthy Inscribe 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Ophelia Healing 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Pherischtach Magery 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] YoStManT Focus 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Sharira Anatomy 105
4.08.2023 22:11:24 [PS] Winer Swords 105

4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] zencii Wrestling 110
4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] zencii Wrestling 110
4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] Aldrose MagicResist 105
4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] Aldrose MagicResist 105
4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] Pherischtach Fencing 105
4.08.2023 08:20:31 [PS] Pherischtach Fencing 105

4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] NaklaElmaa Stealing 110
4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] NaklaElmaa Stealing 110
4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] zencii Stealing 105
4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] zencii Stealing 105
4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] PAYDAY Wrestling 105
4.08.2023 04:07:41 [PS] PAYDAY Wrestling 105

4.08.2023 02:40:25 [CHAMP] Mephitis
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] Archik Swords 110
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] PAYDAY SpiritSpeak 115
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] Doflamingo Chivalry 115
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] Afrodit Meditation 115
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] Archik Macing 115
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [PS] PAYDAY MagicResist 120
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [SKULL] Doflamingo Skull of Venom
4.08.2023 02:41:07 [STONE] Afrodit Shadow Dancer Leggings (0x400A7C60)

3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] Atmaca Han Anatomy 110
3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] Atmaca Han Anatomy 110
3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] zencii Stealth 105
3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] zencii Stealth 105
3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] Pherischtach Wrestling 105
3.08.2023 23:36:06 [PS] Pherischtach Wrestling 105

3.08.2023 21:42:17 [CHAMP] Semidar
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit Stealth 105
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit Swords 105
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit Chivalry 105
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit SpiritSpeak 105
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 105
3.08.2023 21:42:28 [PS] Afrodit MagicResist 105

3.08.2023 19:55:07 [CHAMP] Neira
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit Parry 110
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit Magery 110
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit MagicResist 110
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 115
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit Parry 115
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 115
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Death
3.08.2023 19:56:07 [STONE] Afrodit Ring Of The Vile (0x406F57B0)

3.08.2023 18:48:30 [CHAMP] Mephitis
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Exerisa Healing 110
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Archik Anatomy 115
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Mathilda Focus 115
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Exerisa Anatomy 115
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Archik Stealing 115
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [PS] Mathilda Archery 120
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [SKULL] Exerisa Skull of Venom
3.08.2023 18:49:08 [STONE] Archik Hunters Headdress (0x406E0971)

3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Pherischtach Macing 110
3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Pherischtach Macing 110
3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Matrix De'Cerimo Parry 105
3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Matrix De'Cerimo Parry 105
3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Bone Collector Archery 105
3.08.2023 14:15:56 [PS] Bone Collector Archery 105

3.08.2023 02:57:43 [CHAMP] Mephitis
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] Afrodit Anatomy 110
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] PAYDAY Swords 115
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] Afrodit Archery 115
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] PAYDAY Anatomy 115
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] Afrodit Magery 115
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [PS] PAYDAY Inscribe 120
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
3.08.2023 02:58:55 [STONE] PAYDAY Ornament Of The Magician (0x40646470)

3.08.2023 02:01:34 [CHAMP] Mephitis
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Serik Necromancy 110
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Inscribe 115
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Serik Magery 115
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 115
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Serik Archery 115
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Fencing 120
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [SKULL] Serik Skull of Venom
3.08.2023 02:02:08 [STONE] Sylvanas Windrunner Hunters Headdress (0x4063E36C)

2.08.2023 22:06:38 [CHAMP] Barracoon
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Afrodit SpiritSpeak 110
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Beatrix Inscribe 110
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Ophelia SpiritSpeak 110
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Pherischtach Meditation 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Sharira SpiritSpeak 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Winer Tactics 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Nicho Barto Meditation 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Afrodit SpiritSpeak 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Beatrix Tactics 105
2.08.2023 22:07:09 [PS] Ophelia EvalInt 105

Toplam 115 sayfa, 46. sayfadasın: Önceki, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, Sonraki
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