6.08.2023 23:21:01 [CHAMP] Barracoon
6.08.2023 22:16:38 [CHAMP] Mephitis
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Winer Tactics 110
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] R'ose Fencing 110
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Rohan M'Carthy Healing 110
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Pherischtach Stealing 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Sharira Parry 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] EctheLion Macing 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Eileithhyia Necromancy 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Nancy MagicResist 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Beatrix Focus 105
6.08.2023 22:16:46 [PS] Atmaca Han Stealing 105
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Wrestling 105
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Anatomy 105
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Stealing 105
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Swords 110
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Macing 110
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [PS] Mukaddes Fencing 110
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [SKULL] Mukaddes Skull of Greed
6.08.2023 20:34:44 [STONE] Mukaddes Aegis (0x407BD705)
6.08.2023 20:32:20 [CHAMP] Barracoon
6.08.2023 19:41:26 [CHAMP] Barracoon
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes Parry 105
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes Swords 105
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes MagicResist 105
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes Necromancy 110
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes EvalInt 110
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [PS] Mukaddes Macing 110
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [SKULL] Mukaddes Skull of Greed
6.08.2023 19:43:38 [STONE] Mukaddes Serpents Fang (0x4078C169)
6.08.2023 19:06:17 [CHAMP] Neira
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Afrodit Macing 110
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 110
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Exerisa Focus 110
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Mukaddes Chivalry 115
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Afrodit Chivalry 115
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Macing 115
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [SKULL] Exerisa Skull of Death
6.08.2023 19:06:47 [STONE] Mukaddes Holy Knights Breastplate (0x4077132A)
6.08.2023 18:37:39 [CHAMP] Mephitis
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Chivalry 110
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Mukaddes SpiritSpeak 115
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 115
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Inscribe 115
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Mukaddes SpiritSpeak 115
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 120
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [SKULL] Sylvanas Windrunner Skull of Venom
6.08.2023 18:38:20 [STONE] Mukaddes Legacy Of The Dread Lord (0x40755839)
6.08.2023 17:49:03 [CHAMP] Neira
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Madison Parker Focus 110
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Tactics 110
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 110
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Madison Parker Parry 115
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Wrestling 115
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [PS] Afrodit SpiritSpeak 115
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [SKULL] Madison Parker Skull of Death
6.08.2023 17:49:34 [STONE] Sylvanas Windrunner Ring Of The Vile (0x40734A59)
6.08.2023 17:37:49 [CHAMP] Rikktor
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Stealth 110
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Mukaddes Chivalry 110
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner MagicResist 110
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Mukaddes Meditation 115
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Parry 115
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [PS] Mukaddes Focus 115
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [SKULL] Sylvanas Windrunner Skull of Power
6.08.2023 17:38:39 [STONE] Mukaddes Frostbringer (0x40730951)
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] ScqLee Stealing 110
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] ScqLee Stealing 110
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] Melanie Tactics 105
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] Melanie Tactics 105
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] Erlik Stealing 105
6.08.2023 14:14:44 [PS] Erlik Stealing 105
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] Angelus Stealth 110
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] Angelus Stealth 110
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] NaklaElmaa Focus 105
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] NaklaElmaa Focus 105
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] zencii Anatomy 105
6.08.2023 07:09:43 [PS] zencii Anatomy 105
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Archery 110
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Archery 110
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Arawn Swords 105
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Arawn Swords 105
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Angelus Anatomy 105
6.08.2023 05:33:06 [PS] Angelus Anatomy 105
6.08.2023 03:11:11 [CHAMP] Rikktor
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] Berik MagicResist 110
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] Miyoooo Necromancy 110
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 110
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] PAYDAY Healing 115
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] Berik Wrestling 115
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [PS] Miyoooo Necromancy 115
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Power
6.08.2023 03:12:08 [STONE] PAYDAY Frostbringer (0x405D8424)
6.08.2023 02:35:51 [CHAMP] Rikktor
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] Afrodit Wrestling 110
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] Mathilda Anatomy 110
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] PAYDAY Necromancy 110
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] Auslaug Stealth 115
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] Afrodit Necromancy 115
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [PS] Mathilda Chivalry 115
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [SKULL] PAYDAY Skull of Power
6.08.2023 02:36:11 [STONE] Auslaug Armor Of Fortune (0x405C9985)
6.08.2023 02:04:25 [CHAMP] Mephitis
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Afrodit Swords 110
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Serik Swords 115
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Quelledan Swords 115
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Afrodit Focus 115
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Serik Macing 115
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [PS] Quelledan SpiritSpeak 120
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
6.08.2023 02:05:26 [STONE] Serik Hunters Headdress (0x405BE7C9)
6.08.2023 01:04:34 [CHAMP] Mephitis
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Quelledan Stealth 110
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Afrodit Macing 115
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Quelledan Anatomy 115
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Afrodit Focus 115
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Quelledan Swords 115
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [PS] Afrodit Meditation 120
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [SKULL] Quelledan Skull of Venom
6.08.2023 01:05:55 [STONE] Afrodit The Dryad Bow (0x405A562F)
5.08.2023 22:11:55 [CHAMP] Neira
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Afrodit Archery 110
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Winer MagicResist 110
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Pherischtach Necromancy 110
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Aldrose Inscribe 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Nancy Fencing 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Mirket Meditation 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Beatrix Focus 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Ophelia Stealing 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Sharira Stealth 105
5.08.2023 22:12:07 [PS] Jane Lee Macing 105
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] ScqLee MagicResist 110
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] ScqLee MagicResist 110
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] Melanie Swords 105
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] Melanie Swords 105
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] Angelus Wrestling 105
5.08.2023 22:22:49 [PS] Angelus Wrestling 105
5.08.2023 18:39:32 [CHAMP] Barracoon
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit Stealing 105
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit Focus 105
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit Tactics 105
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 110
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit Focus 110
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 110
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Greed
5.08.2023 18:40:52 [STONE] Afrodit Axe Of The Heavens (0x404F81C1)
5.08.2023 17:57:36 [CHAMP] Barracoon
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik Archery 105
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik Chivalry 105
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik Stealth 105
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik Stealing 105
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik MagicResist 105
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [PS] Archik Swords 110
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [SKULL] Archik Skull of Greed
5.08.2023 18:00:46 [STONE] Archik Axe Of The Heavens (0x404EB23F)
5.08.2023 17:36:21 [CHAMP] Barracoon
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit MagicResist 105
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit Tactics 105
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit Healing 105
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit MagicResist 110
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit Parry 110
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [PS] Afrodit Meditation 110
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Greed
5.08.2023 17:37:59 [STONE] Afrodit Hat Of The Magi (0x404DBF50)