10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] De Chrom Da Pai Meditation 110
10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] De Chrom Da Pai Meditation 110
10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] Mathilda Macing 105
10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] Mathilda Macing 105
10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] Angelus Chivalry 105
10.08.2023 20:11:51 [PS] Angelus Chivalry 105
10.08.2023 17:08:34 [CHAMP] Mephitis
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] Madison Parker MagicResist 110
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] YaKaRi Stealing 115
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] Kollar Faca Stealth 115
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] Madison Parker Swords 115
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] YaKaRi Inscribe 115
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [PS] Kollar Faca Stealth 120
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [SKULL] Madison Parker Skull of Venom
10.08.2023 17:09:27 [STONE] YaKaRi Shadow Dancer Leggings (0x403EE627)
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] Arawn Focus 110
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] Arawn Focus 110
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] Pherischtach Tactics 105
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] Pherischtach Tactics 105
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] zencii MagicResist 105
10.08.2023 10:42:45 [PS] zencii MagicResist 105
10.08.2023 07:29:55 [CHAMP] Barracoon
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer Necromancy 105
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer EvalInt 105
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer EvalInt 105
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer Anatomy 105
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer EvalInt 105
10.08.2023 07:31:20 [PS] Winer Tactics 105
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] Bone Collector Parry 110
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] Bone Collector Parry 110
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] Berik Necromancy 105
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] Berik Necromancy 105
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] zencii Healing 105
10.08.2023 05:43:42 [PS] zencii Healing 105
10.08.2023 03:18:34 [CHAMP] Mephitis
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] PAYDAY SpiritSpeak 110
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] Berik Chivalry 115
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] Madison Parker Stealing 115
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 115
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] PAYDAY Magery 115
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [PS] Berik Macing 120
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [SKULL] Madison Parker Skull of Venom
10.08.2023 03:19:17 [STONE] Afrodit The Dryad Bow (0x4021CD7A)
10.08.2023 02:41:56 [CHAMP] Rikktor
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Madison Parker Stealth 110
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Berik Tactics 110
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Afrodit Swords 110
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Madison Parker Stealth 115
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Berik EvalInt 115
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [PS] Afrodit Tactics 115
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [SKULL] Madison Parker Skull of Power
10.08.2023 02:42:44 [STONE] Berik Bracelet Of Health (0x40214B9D)
10.08.2023 02:53:13 [CHAMP] Neira
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 110
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] Afrodit Fencing 110
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] Berik Focus 110
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] PAYDAY Parry 115
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner SpiritSpeak 115
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 115
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [SKULL] Berik Skull of Death
10.08.2023 02:53:36 [STONE] PAYDAY Ring Of The Vile (0x40217ACD)
10.08.2023 01:56:23 [CHAMP] Mephitis
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Wrestling 110
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] PAYDAY Archery 115
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] Testere Necmi Wrestling 115
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] Cukubik Parry 115
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner SpiritSpeak 115
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [PS] PAYDAY Necromancy 120
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [SKULL] Testere Necmi Skull of Venom
10.08.2023 01:57:07 [STONE] Cukubik Hunters Headdress (0x401FCE32)
9.08.2023 22:07:09 [CHAMP] Barracoon
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Winer Macing 110
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Afrodit Stealing 110
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] CinGeNeee Wrestling 110
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Pherischtach Meditation 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] YoStManT MagicResist 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] ScqLee Stealth 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Valdespino Swords 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] LaFleur Healing 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Belalun Tactics 105
9.08.2023 22:07:31 [PS] Winer Chivalry 105
9.08.2023 19:08:10 [CHAMP] Rikktor
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner SpiritSpeak 110
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Afrodit MagicResist 110
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Healing 110
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 115
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Wrestling 115
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [PS] Afrodit Necromancy 115
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [SKULL] Sylvanas Windrunner Skull of Power
9.08.2023 19:09:27 [STONE] Afrodit Bracelet Of Health (0x4017E212)
9.08.2023 18:21:04 [CHAMP] Neira
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Afrodit Healing 110
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Inscribe 110
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Cukubik Healing 110
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Afrodit Archery 115
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner MagicResist 115
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [PS] Cukubik SpiritSpeak 115
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Death
9.08.2023 18:22:06 [STONE] Sylvanas Windrunner Ring Of The Elements (0x40160F74)
9.08.2023 17:23:31 [CHAMP] Mephitis
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] YaKaRi Focus 110
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Stealth 115
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] Cukubik MagicResist 115
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] Afrodit Parry 115
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] YaKaRi Healing 115
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Chivalry 120
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [SKULL] Cukubik Skull of Venom
9.08.2023 17:25:57 [STONE] Afrodit Legacy Of The Dread Lord (0x401482BD)
9.08.2023 05:21:03 [CHAMP] Barracoon
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa Parry 105
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa Magery 105
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa MagicResist 105
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa Macing 105
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa Meditation 105
9.08.2023 05:22:36 [PS] NaklaElmaa Wrestling 105
9.08.2023 03:43:00 [CHAMP] Neira
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Afrodit Anatomy 110
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Berik Wrestling 110
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Chivalry 110
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Afrodit Wrestling 115
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Berik Necromancy 115
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner MagicResist 115
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Death
9.08.2023 03:43:28 [STONE] Berik Breath Of The Dead (0x4009E028)
9.08.2023 03:08:02 [CHAMP] Mephitis
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 110
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Berik Magery 115
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 115
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 115
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Berik SpiritSpeak 115
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Magery 120
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
9.08.2023 03:09:19 [STONE] Berik Hunters Headdress (0x40093AA9)
9.08.2023 02:29:51 [CHAMP] Mephitis
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Parry 110
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Afrodit Magery 115
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Berik Meditation 115
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Tactics 115
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Afrodit Macing 115
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [PS] Berik Magery 120
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [SKULL] Sylvanas Windrunner Skull of Venom
9.08.2023 02:30:47 [STONE] Afrodit Ornament Of The Magician (0x4008B8B5)
9.08.2023 01:37:39 [CHAMP] Rikktor
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Focus 110
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Berik Focus 110
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Afrodit Parry 110
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Healing 115
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Berik Meditation 115
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [PS] Afrodit EvalInt 115
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [SKULL] Sylvanas Windrunner Skull of Power
9.08.2023 01:38:19 [STONE] Berik Frostbringer (0x4008079B)
8.08.2023 22:03:29 [CHAMP] Barracoon
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Winer Swords 105
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Nicho Barto Stealing 105
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Winer Anatomy 105
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Nicho Barto Necromancy 110
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Winer SpiritSpeak 110
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [PS] Nicho Barto Swords 110
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [SKULL] Winer Skull of Greed
8.08.2023 22:05:20 [STONE] Nicho Barto Serpents Fang (0x40BBA094)
8.08.2023 19:08:54 [CHAMP] Neira
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] firfir Wrestling 110
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] Afrodit Swords 110
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Archery 110
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] firfir Focus 115
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] Afrodit Chivalry 115
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Inscribe 115
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [SKULL] firfir Skull of Death
8.08.2023 19:09:44 [STONE] Afrodit Breath Of The Dead (0x40B7F338)
8.08.2023 18:19:17 [CHAMP] Mephitis
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Afrodit Inscribe 110
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Cukubik Magery 115
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Meditation 115
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Afrodit Necromancy 115
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Cukubik Focus 115
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [PS] Sylvanas Windrunner Magery 120
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [SKULL] Afrodit Skull of Venom
8.08.2023 18:20:35 [STONE] Cukubik Hunters Headdress (0x40B6DFCB)