14.04.2023 22:04:39 [CHAMP] Rikktor
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] true story SpiritSpeak 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Loremaster Anatomy 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Kollar Faca MagicResist 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Cix EvalInt 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Mercedes-Benz Swords 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] UykucuPanda Meditation 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Exerisa Swords 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Buttercup Meditation 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Herne Hunter SpiritSpeak 105
14.04.2023 22:04:44 [PS] Amacore- Swords 105
14.04.2023 18:21:44 [CHAMP] Barracoon
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Frik Stealth 105
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Dark Necromage Fencing 105
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Bad Healing 105
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Frik Magery 110
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Dark Necromage Magery 110
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [PS] Bad MagicResist 110
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [SKULL] Frik Skull of Greed
14.04.2023 18:23:04 [STONE] Dark Necromage Serpents Fang (0x4043BFD2)
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] Frik MagicResist 105
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] Mr Merovingian Calaquendi SpiritSpeak 105
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] THE GOAT YikimTeam Meditation 105
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] bLa bLa bLa SpiritSpeak 110
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] Damla Kyrantny- YikimTeam Swords 110
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [PS] Bad Macing 110
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [SKULL] Frik Skull of Greed
14.04.2023 16:37:04 [STONE] Mr Merovingian Calaquendi Blade Of Insanity (0x403E16D7)
14.04.2023 16:35:32 [CHAMP] Barracoon
14.04.2023 03:39:32 [CHAMP] Rikktor
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Kehribar Necromancy 110
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Dvyne Quillan- Nif'i Wrestling 110
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Kayral Parry 110
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Goddess Inscribe 115
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Eresbos Vladislaus Healing 115
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [PS] Amacore- Parry 115
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [SKULL] Kehribar Skull of Power
14.04.2023 03:39:58 [STONE] Dvyne Quillan- Nif'i Bone Crusher (0x401DCA1C)
14.04.2023 02:57:04 [CHAMP] Barracoon
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] Kayral Magery 105
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] Neoma Inscribe 105
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] Kehribar Swords 105
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] AhlakPolisi Swords 110
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] Orostopulos SpiritSpeak 110
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [PS] Nazdrovya Stealth 110
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [SKULL] chikachi Skull of Greed
14.04.2023 02:57:38 [STONE] Kayral Ornate Crown Of The Harrower (0x401B531A)
14.04.2023 01:08:27 [CHAMP] Rikktor
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] Amakor Focus 110
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] GULU GULU Parry 110
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] Alii Tuna- SpiritSpeak 110
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] Amakor Inscribe 115
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] GULU GULU Parry 115
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [PS] Alii Tuna- Meditation 115
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [SKULL] Amakor Skull of Power
14.04.2023 01:09:47 [STONE] GULU GULU Bone Crusher (0x401495DB)
14.04.2023 00:17:26 [CHAMP] Barracoon
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] Orostopulos SpiritSpeak 105
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] AhlakPolisi Focus 105
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] Scaup Nif'i Fencing 105
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] Kehribar Meditation 110
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] TameSado EvalInt 110
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [PS] Mirket Inscribe 110
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [SKULL] Kayral Skull of Greed
14.04.2023 00:17:46 [STONE] Loremaster Axe Of The Heavens (0x400FDBCD)
13.04.2023 23:41:20 [CHAMP] Neira
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] AhlakPolisi EvalInt 110
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] Roche Nif'i Healing 110
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] Asia Meditation 110
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] Mirket Stealth 115
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] Mercedes-Benz Swords 115
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [PS] Baby YODA Magery 115
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [SKULL] Goddess Skull of Death
13.04.2023 23:41:33 [STONE] Alii Tuna- Ring Of The Vile (0x400BFACF)
13.04.2023 23:22:08 [CHAMP] Mephitis
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] Amacore- Anatomy 110
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] TameSado Archery 115
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] Nazdrovya Focus 115
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] Asia Inscribe 115
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] Baby YODA Macing 115
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [PS] Roche Nif'i Archery 120
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [SKULL] Rulezz J'adore Skull of Venom
13.04.2023 23:22:22 [STONE] Dvyne Quillan- Nif'i The Dryad Bow (0x4009AF50)
13.04.2023 22:38:12 [CHAMP] Mephitis
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] A Greater Scum Nif'i SpiritSpeak 110
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] Scaup Nif'i Focus 115
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] Alkyone Stealth 115
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] Sahipkran Fencing 115
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] Dvyne Quillan- Nif'i Parry 115
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [PS] Pronus- Nif'i Tactics 120
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [SKULL] GULU GULU Skull of Venom
13.04.2023 22:40:00 [STONE] A Greater Scum Nif'i The Dryad Bow (0x400658B2)
13.04.2023 18:33:39 [CHAMP] Rikktor
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] Amacore- Inscribe 110
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] Baby YODA Meditation 110
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] AhlakPolisi SpiritSpeak 110
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] El Mokoko Anatomy 115
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] Mirket EvalInt 115
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [PS] Amacore- Macing 115
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [SKULL] Baby YODA Skull of Power
13.04.2023 18:34:16 [STONE] AhlakPolisi Arcane Shield (0x40DDC559)
13.04.2023 18:03:50 [CHAMP] Barracoon
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] Amakor Chivalry 105
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] Alkyone Inscribe 105
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] chikachi Wrestling 105
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] Channa SpiritSpeak 110
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] Baby YODA EvalInt 110
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [PS] Amakor Swords 110
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [SKULL] Alkyone Skull of Greed
13.04.2023 18:05:15 [STONE] chikachi Ornate Crown Of The Harrower (0x40DB3297)
13.04.2023 03:16:38 [CHAMP] Rikktor
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Vaybe Anatomy 110
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Amaranthe MagicResist 110
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Vennys Macing 110
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Frik Focus 115
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Bad Swords 115
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [PS] Damla Kyrantny Swords 115
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [SKULL] Galatasaray SK Skull of Power
13.04.2023 03:16:50 [STONE] Ceku Leggings Of Bane (0x40B85454)
13.04.2023 02:36:06 [CHAMP] Neira
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Frik EvalInt 110
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Hailie Meditation 110
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Vaybe Stealing 110
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Bad Anatomy 115
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Galatasaray SK Magery 115
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [PS] Damla Kyrantny Healing 115
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [SKULL] Serenity Skull of Death
13.04.2023 02:36:19 [STONE] Frik Ring Of The Elements (0x40B68D47)
13.04.2023 02:52:18 [CHAMP] Barracoon
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] true story Macing 105
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] Frik Inscribe 105
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] Vaybe Fencing 105
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] Cicek Hatun Stealing 110
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] Galatasaray SK Swords 110
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [PS] Serenity MagicResist 110
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [SKULL] true story Skull of Greed
13.04.2023 02:53:12 [STONE] Frik Aegis (0x40B750DE)
13.04.2023 02:12:07 [CHAMP] Neira
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] Hailie Wrestling 110
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] Galatasaray SK Parry 110
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] Amaranthe Parry 110
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] Vennys Wrestling 115
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] ramiz abi Tactics 115
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [PS] Bad Fencing 115
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [SKULL] Frik Skull of Death
13.04.2023 02:12:26 [STONE] Herne Hunter Tunic Of Fire (0x40B50DD2)
13.04.2023 01:40:40 [CHAMP] Rikktor
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] Frik Meditation 110
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] Hailie Inscribe 110
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] Vennys Necromancy 110
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] Damla Kyrantny Necromancy 115
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] THE GOAT' Wrestling 115
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [PS] Cicek Hatun Tactics 115
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [SKULL] Bad Skull of Power
13.04.2023 01:40:55 [STONE] Amaranthe Leggings Of Bane (0x40B281D8)
13.04.2023 01:17:47 [CHAMP] Mephitis
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] Serenity Magery 110
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] THE GOAT' Tactics 115
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] Bad Fencing 115
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] Vennys Anatomy 115
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] Frik Stealth 115
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [PS] The Watchman Magery 120
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [SKULL] Serenity Skull of Venom
13.04.2023 01:18:35 [STONE] THE GOAT' The Dryad Bow (0x40B0E596)
12.04.2023 22:43:42 [CHAMP] Barracoon
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] HapShu Partigan Inscribe 105
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] Jaog'har Leirdon EvalInt 105
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] VV Apostol VV Meditation 105
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] Naruto Partigan Anatomy 110
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] HapShu Partigan Magery 110
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [PS] Jaog'har Leirdon Necromancy 110
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [SKULL] VV Apostol VV Skull of Greed
12.04.2023 22:45:15 [STONE] Naruto Partigan Hat Of The Magi (0x40A6803A)
12.04.2023 17:24:59 [CHAMP] Mephitis
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Hinata Magery 110
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Frik Fencing 115
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Serenity Inscribe 115
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Hinata EvalInt 115
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Frik Stealing 115
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [PS] Serenity Archery 120
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [SKULL] Hinata Skull of Venom
12.04.2023 17:26:24 [STONE] Frik Shadow Dancer Leggings (0x40909453)